I find that working on at least two projects at a time is a good practice, so long as time constraints are imposed on neither. This way, when one project starts to wear on my soul, it can be temporarily dropped in favor of the other. By the time the second project becomes a grind, the attractiveness of the first project has freshened.
Finding myself in this situation with Panda Town, after realizing that the art of drawing sprites was quite tedious and time consuming, I allowed the project to take a back seat for a month or two in favor of a
Resource Container project which is a concept I've been tinkering with in one form or another for the past couple years. Over the last week I've found myself in a position with that project which is fostering a renewed interest in Panda Town, namely the position of being sick of thinking about the project.
So here we are, firing up Panda Town development again, and with a lot of the initial graphic work out of the way, I'm free to start focusing on the story line and puzzle aspects of the game. While I haven't solidified things so much that I want to start talking about the concept of the game, I can say the format is going to be puzzle based insomuch as you are confronted with the puzzle of how to use various available items together in the proper sequence and time frame in order to achieve an end. I'm sure this genre has a proper name but I do not know what it is nor do I have the patience right now to look it up. Why I've chosen this genre is a subject of a potential future post, but not today's.
Current State of the Hotel Room |
Where is the project at? As I noted above most of the initial sprite work has been done and the general room layout is setup to my satisfaction. There's more graphic work to be done, namely animation, which I feel is going to be even more draining than the initial development, but this level of completion gives me a test bed on which to develop the story and puzzles. I've posted an image of the hotel room in which the game takes place and while I'll be cleaning up some of the graphics as time goes on, the image gives the general idea of how the game is going to look and feel. Tonight I'm going to start really diving into puzzle design as this afternoon I came up with a better mechanism for laying out the story and puzzles than notes in a notebook which I found to be too static for my liking (probably the topic of a future post again, that's two, two future post topics in this post, ah ha hah).